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World’s First Sugar Company Certified as B Corp

At iscal, we have always believed that the future of sugar lies in sustainable innovation. Today, we are taking a decisive step by joining the ranks of B Corp certified companies, a global movement for an inclusive, fair, and regenerative economy. This recognition is not just a label but a testament to our deep commitment to a more responsible and environmentally respectful future.

Why is this certification so important to us?

Sugar has often been seen negatively, whether for its impacts on public health or the environment. However, at iscal, we see this as an opportunity for transformation. We want to prove that sugar can not only have a future but can be produced in an innovative and sustainable way. By becoming B Corp certified, we affirm our commitment to playing an exemplary role in this transition.

A rigorous journey and concrete improvements

Our journey towards certification began in 2021 with a self-assessment, where we scored 65 points out of 200. Although this initial score was far from the required threshold, it motivated us to double our efforts. Thanks to hard work and the dedication of our teams, we reached 83 points three years later, the score necessary for certification. This required deep reforms, both in our organization and our industrial processes.

For example, we have invested in major ecological initiatives such as installing a wind turbine, creating new digesters, and inaugurating a large-capacity beet silo. These efforts also extend to our stakeholders, notably with the launch of a transition program towards regenerative agriculture for our suppliers.

Renewed governance

B Corp certification is not just a recognition of our ecological efforts; it also reflects our commitment to responsible governance. We appointed an independent expert, Jean-François Gosse, from a B Corp certified company, as the chairman of our board of directors. Furthermore, our bylaws have been entirely revised to better reflect our commitment to sustainability.

Toward an even more ambitious future

Being certified as a B Corp is like qualifying for the Olympics. But we do not intend to stop there. We aim for gold, with the ambition of becoming the world’s first sugar company to produce carbon-neutral sugar. This path will be long, but it is essential to meet the growing expectations of our customers, employees, and all our stakeholders.

At iscal, we believe that every company has a crucial role to play in building a fairer and more sustainable economy. B Corp certification is a key step in our mission, and we are excited to continue innovating and improving for a greener future.

By Brieuc


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