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Review of our sugar campaign

Find out more about our 2023-2024 sugar campaign at iscal: climate challenges, innovations, and continuous improvements. An overview of our commitment to sustainable, efficient production.

Plan B(eet) 2.0

How can a Belgian farmer reduce his carbon footprint and still remain profitable?

Towards energy autonomy: inauguration of our new wind turbine

This Thursday, October 11th, marked a significant moment in our journey at iscal, with the honor of welcoming Thomas Dermine, Secretary of State for Recovery, for the inauguration of our latest investments. Besides our two digesters, the star of the day was undoubtedly our new 3.6MW wind turbine.

Betteravenir, an exceptional meeting for sugar beets

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, iscal, IRBAB, La raffinerie Tirlemontoise, and CBB, key players in Plan B(eet), were proud to participate in a major event for the sugar beet industry, “Betteravenir.” Organized by ITB, IIRB, and IRBAB, this exhibition takes place only once every six years and is held in an open field, making it all the more significant.

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