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Plan B(eet)

6,500 farmers planted beets in Belgium for this campaign. In 2017, there were 1000 more. The beet & sugar sector is threatened at its core.

Safety Day 2022

At iscal, safety comes first. Relive with us this 3rd edition of the safety day.

Our first CSR report

For the first time in the existence of iscal, we have published another official document than our annual financial report: a CSR report. The objective of this file is to compile all our various social and environmental initiatives in order to give an overall view of the state of our company.

Invest in your teams

We have nearly 130 employees at iscal. For the past year, we have organized team seminars in order to discuss […]

Food heroes

La pandémie de covid-19 continue d’avoir un lourd impact sur nos vies de tous les jours.

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